Berry Sherbet

I remember when I first became vegan, I went to buy something for dessert thinking, hmm, maybe some raspberry sherbet?  Frozen fruit should be okay, right?  But when I read the ingredients I found that it contained skim milk!  I was super sad, but after I learned how to make my own, I didn't miss that store bought sherbet!  Yuuuuum!
1 cup vanilla soy milk (Silk Very Vanilla)
1/2 cup vanilla soy yogurt
1 cup frozen mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
Tools: Blender, air-tight freezer container
1: Blend all ingredients until smooth
2: Add to air-tight container with lid
 3: Freeze for a minimum of two hours before serving, if you desire more of of a soft serve texture
Note: This sherbet can be left in the air-tight container and frozen completely, being eaten as a treat here and there.

Makes: About 2 1/2 cups

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